Here for the right reasons.


Ryan Leatham

8/13/20242 min read

That escalated quickly. And by “that” we mean episode 6 of Jenn’s Bachelorette season.

First up, Marcus and Jenn shared a Wicked advertisement- I mean one-on-one. ABC pulled out all of the most mediocre stops possible as well as former stars like Daisy, Kelsey A. and Charity. The couple followed the yellow brick road while stopping to pillow fight and eat bell peppers because why not?!

On a much more serious note Marcus opened up about his painful past, sharing that his parents left him and his sister at daycare and never returned, leading to a turbulent childhood in foster care. Jenn seemed genuinely moved, and Marcus earned major points for his vulnerability.

This week’s group date was a spectacle, but not for the reasons you might think. Sam M. took center stage, and not in a good way. It became abundantly clear that his grasp on vocabulary—and Jenn’s personality—was tenuous at best. When Sam M. revealed he thought Daisy or Maria would be the Bachelorette, jaws dropped. What’s worse is that the prompt from Jenn was more or less, “what do you like about me”. To make matters even worse, Sam M. declared his love for Jenn in what felt like a Hail Mary to avoid elimination. It did not go well. The declaration came off as desperate, and Jenn wasn’t buying it. Later, she confessed to Devin that she was falling for him. Seems relevant, no?

Then Jeremy finally got his one-on-one, and it was kind of everything. He and Jenn connected on an intellectual level and simply clicked. Sparks were flying, and it looked like Jenn might have saved the best for last. He received a rose, and Jeremy might be a legitimate dark horse in this race.

Before the rose ceremony, Jenn confronted Sam. She poked and prodded for any adjective indicating his awareness of who she is as a person but the best she got was “Putting my feelings in words is not my strong suit.” This was the end of the road for Sam. At the rose ceremony, we also said goodbye to Spencer and Grant.

Rose Recap

  1. Sam M. 💔

  2. Marcus 🌹

  3. Devin 🌹

  4. Jonathan🌹

  5. Grant 💔

  6. Spencer 💔

  7. Jeremy 🌹

Rose prediction accuracy: 28/32…87.5% of the 4 roses given out we predicted 3 correctly.

Updated Rose Rankings

  1. Devin

  2. Marcus

  3. Jeremy

  4. Jonathan

When Words Fall Short

Ah, Sam M., where to begin? If there’s one lesson to be learned this week, it’s that love isn’t just a feeling—it’s also a vocabulary test. When words fall short, so does your time on The Bachelorette. Sam M. may not have aced the test, but the remaining contestants are stepping up their game. Don’t look now Devin but a new bombshell has entered the villa, his name is Jeremy, and he can form coherent sentences.

Ryan Leatham

Still plays Pokémon Go.