Processing time: 1-2 business days.
Via: USPS or UPS.
Expected arrival time: 1-5 business days.
Do we ship to other countries? Not right now, we will soon!
If you need expedited shipping: find our contact info below.
What if I'm local to Greenville, SC and don't want to pay for shipping? Come to a pop-up!
Do we hold items? No <3
All tracking information is sent via email, so please be mindful of spelling errors and small typos during checkout. If you opt into First-Class Mail, you will not receive tracking information.
Due to our limited stock, we do not offer returns at this time. If for any reason you have received the wrong item, please send us an email within 5 business days of reception and we will get you squared away!
We reserve the right to deny exchanging any item that is not in its original condition (unused, unopened and undamaged.)
All stickers and prints are FINAL sale.
We are not responsible for any damage during shipping or for lost packages.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Shipping and Returns Policy, please contact us by e-mail: